Founded by Guro Ray Dionaldo, Filipino Combat Systems is an organization dedicated for the preservation and promotion of all Filipino Martial Arts.
Filipino Combat Systems(FCS) is an organization/system with members from around the world. We come from extremely diverse backgrounds and martial arts systems.
We’ve all come together because of our love of the Filipino Martial Arts, and our unwillingness to become involved in the politics that has so often stifled our growth.
FCS Principles:
“It has nothing to do with money.
It has nothing to do with expanding the art.
It has nothing to do with marketing.
It has everything to do with what is right.
1. Respect each other and the family.
2. A deal is a deal.
3. What is right is what is right.
4. When in doubt, read it again.
5. If still in doubt, ask someone else to read it to you.”
The disciplines of FCS include but are not limited to:
Mano-Mano / Open Hand
Sikaran / Foot and Leg Fighting
Solo Baston / Single Stick
Double Baston / Double Stick
Olisi Palad / Palm Stick
Tactical Baton
Kerambit / Hooked Blade
Daga / Single Blade
Daga Daga / Double Blade
Espada / Long Sword
Espada y Daga / Sword and Dagger
Tabak-Toyok / Nunchaku
Sarong / Malong
Latiko / Whip